Knowledge Shared is Knowledge Gained

Everyone has a different knowledge base

Doesn't Everyone Know What You Know? Part 1

March 30, 20234 min read

“Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't!” - Bill Nye, the Science Guy

Subject Matter Experts like you and I can tend to undervalue our knowledge base. Because you have been immersed in your area of expertise for however long you have, you may have innocently slid into assuming everyone knows what you know. It’s so familiar to you, it must be common sense, right? By the way, it is anything but common.

Everyone does NOT know what you know. You certainly know some if not a lot of things that other people know. And yet, you each have different bodies of knowledge. Amazing grasp of the obvious, isn’t it? And yes, that includes your parents, siblings, partner, kids, friends, and others who are convinced they know all there is to know in the world...NOT!

Think about the last time you were searching for a solution for something. You came up with nothing, or maybe an “almost,” and it still didn’t feel right. That is, until someone else serendipitously shared a piece of information that triggered the right spot in your memory to bring forth the ideal solution you forgot you knew. You had no recent need for that information before now, so it safely sat in your mental archive. And it has nothing to do with how intelligent you are. It has to do with how full that hard drive between your ears is and how recently you accessed the particular gem you currently want.

A long-time colleague and friend, Shel Horowitz, posted a comment on social media that he was considering franchising a particular method he had for crafting a certain service he offered in the publishing world. He had misgivings about dedicating the amount of time it would take to create the franchise and then to implement and monitor it. Keep in mind that Shel has an abundance of intelligence and knowledge, which are two different things.

While I know enough about franchising to get myself in trouble, I did know that it is a complex and highly regulated way to do business even though many view it as a simple business-in-a-box. Now, as I mentioned, Shel is a brilliant and highly accomplished guy, by many measures and in many subject areas. Reading his post, I thought about reaching out to share a different approach that would be less tedious to create, implement, and monitor – licensing the use of his unique formula rather than franchising it. The two are not synonymous. A licensing arrangement still needs a legal written agreement between the owner of that intellectual property and the person who wants to “rent” that formula in exchange for payment to the owner.  However, it’s nowhere near as complex as franchising.

Shel enthusiastically received my suggestion. He knew what a licensing transaction was. It simply had not surfaced in his thinking. Not only was he grateful that I took the time and interest to send him that idea, he pointed out that this was an example of a small gesture making a big difference. He knew it took me very little time to ask if he had considered licensing as an option. He also knew it would change and dramatically improve the entire trajectory of moving his idea forward.

That’s one of the many things tips do – remind someone of something they know and forgot that they know. Unquestionably, Shel and many other Subject Matter Experts find great value in that knowledge I shared from the many licensing deals I’ve done over the decades!

Your how-to tips have value, more than you may think. The person who hears or sees your tip will have one of the following responses:

  1. It's brand new information, something the person never knew before you provided it.

  2. The person knew the information and forgot it since it wasn't used much recently.

  3. You, as an expert, confirmed knowledge that the person already had.

Think about that for a moment, putting yourself into the recipient's position. Each of those responses has value in some way, which is wonderful for you and for those you serve. And as you assess that level of value, it's easier and more likely for YOU to elevate the value you place on your knowledge. After all, the FACT is that everyone does NOT know what you know. Now, what are you ready to do about that, and how soon?


My Tips Products Publishing Agency team and I at are ready to guide you on your successful journey to help more people (including yourself and your company!) by sharing your expert tips.

Find a convenient time for us to talk at

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Paulette Ensign

Very few can claim the title "Creator of the category" and Paulette Ensign is just such a person. Paulette created the tips booklet category of published works - learn from the best

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Everyone has a different knowledge base

Doesn't Everyone Know What You Know? Part 1

March 30, 20234 min read

“Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't!” - Bill Nye, the Science Guy

Subject Matter Experts like you and I can tend to undervalue our knowledge base. Because you have been immersed in your area of expertise for however long you have, you may have innocently slid into assuming everyone knows what you know. It’s so familiar to you, it must be common sense, right? By the way, it is anything but common.

Everyone does NOT know what you know. You certainly know some if not a lot of things that other people know. And yet, you each have different bodies of knowledge. Amazing grasp of the obvious, isn’t it? And yes, that includes your parents, siblings, partner, kids, friends, and others who are convinced they know all there is to know in the world...NOT!

Think about the last time you were searching for a solution for something. You came up with nothing, or maybe an “almost,” and it still didn’t feel right. That is, until someone else serendipitously shared a piece of information that triggered the right spot in your memory to bring forth the ideal solution you forgot you knew. You had no recent need for that information before now, so it safely sat in your mental archive. And it has nothing to do with how intelligent you are. It has to do with how full that hard drive between your ears is and how recently you accessed the particular gem you currently want.

A long-time colleague and friend, Shel Horowitz, posted a comment on social media that he was considering franchising a particular method he had for crafting a certain service he offered in the publishing world. He had misgivings about dedicating the amount of time it would take to create the franchise and then to implement and monitor it. Keep in mind that Shel has an abundance of intelligence and knowledge, which are two different things.

While I know enough about franchising to get myself in trouble, I did know that it is a complex and highly regulated way to do business even though many view it as a simple business-in-a-box. Now, as I mentioned, Shel is a brilliant and highly accomplished guy, by many measures and in many subject areas. Reading his post, I thought about reaching out to share a different approach that would be less tedious to create, implement, and monitor – licensing the use of his unique formula rather than franchising it. The two are not synonymous. A licensing arrangement still needs a legal written agreement between the owner of that intellectual property and the person who wants to “rent” that formula in exchange for payment to the owner.  However, it’s nowhere near as complex as franchising.

Shel enthusiastically received my suggestion. He knew what a licensing transaction was. It simply had not surfaced in his thinking. Not only was he grateful that I took the time and interest to send him that idea, he pointed out that this was an example of a small gesture making a big difference. He knew it took me very little time to ask if he had considered licensing as an option. He also knew it would change and dramatically improve the entire trajectory of moving his idea forward.

That’s one of the many things tips do – remind someone of something they know and forgot that they know. Unquestionably, Shel and many other Subject Matter Experts find great value in that knowledge I shared from the many licensing deals I’ve done over the decades!

Your how-to tips have value, more than you may think. The person who hears or sees your tip will have one of the following responses:

  1. It's brand new information, something the person never knew before you provided it.

  2. The person knew the information and forgot it since it wasn't used much recently.

  3. You, as an expert, confirmed knowledge that the person already had.

Think about that for a moment, putting yourself into the recipient's position. Each of those responses has value in some way, which is wonderful for you and for those you serve. And as you assess that level of value, it's easier and more likely for YOU to elevate the value you place on your knowledge. After all, the FACT is that everyone does NOT know what you know. Now, what are you ready to do about that, and how soon?


My Tips Products Publishing Agency team and I at are ready to guide you on your successful journey to help more people (including yourself and your company!) by sharing your expert tips.

Find a convenient time for us to talk at

blog author image

Paulette Ensign

Very few can claim the title "Creator of the category" and Paulette Ensign is just such a person. Paulette created the tips booklet category of published works - learn from the best

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We serve both Subject Matter Experts who are often solopreneurs, authors, speakers, consultants, coaches and small business owners PLUS corporate and professional association decision-makers. We've done so since 1991

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Using tips products as marketing tools for your business online and offline uniquely increases your presence . Using these products promotionally for your campaigns throughout the year also increases revenue, market share, profit, and reputation.

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