Paulette Ensign

The Tips Content Strategist

Paulette Ensign

The Tips Content Strategist

Paulette Ensign had no idea she would sell well over two million copies of her 16-page how-to tips booklet, 110 Ideas for Organizing Your Business Life when writing it in 1991. Or that it would be in multiple languages and formats without spending a penny on advertising. Nothing in her background prepared her for that other than the knowledge she gathered during her career as a Professional Organizing and Productivity Consultant–quite a change from her original degreed profession teaching string instruments in public elementary schools for a dozen years. Yet her can-do attitude prompted and supported those results.

Paulette Ensign had no idea she would sell well over two million copies of her 16-page how-to tips booklet, 110 Ideas for Organizing Your Business Life when writing it in 1991. Or that it would be in multiple languages and formats without spending a penny on advertising. Nothing in her background prepared her for that other than the knowledge she gathered during her career as a Professional Organizing and Productivity Consultant–quite a change from her original degreed profession teaching string instruments in public elementary schools for a dozen years. Yet her can-do attitude prompted and supported those results.

As people wanted to learn her secrets for converting their knowledge into how-to tips-based information products, Paulette developed products and services as she, too, continued learning and exploring seemingly endless possibilities for using content as marketing tools, revenue streams, or both.


While becoming widely known for the tips booklet niche she created, technology was an ever-increasing presence, prompting more opportunities for subject matter experts rather than fewer ways to use their content. The scales started tipping toward more online, digital download delivery formats than printed, tangible versions. Or so it appeared. This actually expanded rather than shrank options, prompting the focus of on tips content development first and product development second.


Founder and The Tips Content Strategist at Tips Products International, which is the parent company of the wholly-owned subsidiary, Tips Products Publishing Agency, Paulette now has more than forty years’ experience with small and mid-size business owners, corporations, and professional associations in numerous industries, worldwide. She and her team look forward to traveling part of your journey with you and serving you as she continues to defy getting old while getting older.

Expand the Value of Your Network

Expand the Value of Your Network

Leverage those tips between your ears with your local networks. That is a successful way to share your knowledge with your colleagues so they have a better idea of who can be a referral for you.


+ Respond

Manage + Respond

Manage the responses you get from your tips as they can lead to new tips. Creating 52 tips from your expertise can easily open a floodgate of more tips for the next set of 52 tips.



Analyze Impact

Start one sentence with a positive verb telling the reader or listener what TO do. A second sentence. explains "why" or "how" in reference to the first sentence.

Tip Management


New Revenue/Profit Stream

Yes, companies and associations will pay you to use your expert how-to tips to promote their service, product, or cause. And they can use them and even re-sell them to others in a wide variety of delivery formats and frequency, one copy at a time, or in very large quantities the way they purchased them from you!

Unique Marketing Tool

Both online and offline, your content is immediately a marketing tool for your business and a marketing tool, educational tool, or both for your buyers. They may distribute your tips to their employees or to a much bigger audience as part of a promotional campaign for your buyers' business.


  • "Appreciation for the Decades!"

    “Twenty years later and my first tips booklet is still a powerful promotional item that replaces a business card. It still brings prospects in the door. The booklets are an inexpensive, brilliant marketing strategy and automatically makes you an author.”

    - Patricia Ogilvie, Owner, Prorisk
  • "More Than I Imagined!"

    "Paulette and her team marketed my children’s book, Beloved and the Pepper Tree serving as mentor and trusted advisor. She helped develop web content, harvest clients from my contact base, and develop unique donations platforms and approaches to achieve our goals. The fifteen months we worked together expanded my thoughts about business."

    - Ann Gonzales, Ann Gonzales Art
  • "Excellent Return on Investment"

    “We are very pleased with the organizing booklet you did for our recent catalog. It increased sales by 13%, generated an 8% increase in average order, and a 7% increase in response rate. Among our rent lists, there was a significant increase in average order.”

    - David C. Hochberg, Vice President/Public Affairs, Lillian Vernon Corporation, Colorado Springs, CO
  • "Marketing Wizard with Useful Ideas I Can Implement!"

    “Paulette expanded my concept of how to market. She’s a marketing wizard whose ideas I’m comfortable implementing. Instead of dreading marketing my services, I’m now excited. Paulette gives clear, useful answers to marketing my esoteric intuitive business She is committed to helping each student reach the next step whenever stuck.”

    - Rev. Sandra Gelinas, Asheville, NC
  • "Priceless Insights to Attract Your Ideal Audience"

    “Paulette abundantly shares knowledge including ways to promote your expertise with booklets and other delivery formats, attracting your ideal clients. Her priceless insights, direction, and interactions trigger “aha’s”, allowing me to take the leap, easily creating an informative booklet of tips!”

    - Lania Desmond, Grand View, MO
  • "Takes the Mystery and Misery Out of the Process"

    “I’ve worked with Paulette for many years and also produced several booklets. She is incredible od suggestions along the process, and she’s FAST! Leave it to Paulette to take the mystery and misery out. The marketing part is up to you. If you can and will, the ROI is well worth the investment. Go for it!”

    - Sheila Delson, CPO-CD, Hutchinson Island, FL
  • "Makes it Easy"

    "I am blown away by the tips booklet concept and how it makes things so easy. There are so many new things to learn on the journey and Paulette makes it fun and easy.”

    - Lucy Vajime, Makurdi, Nigeria
  • "Immediate Results"

    "Mixing sales and giveaways is magic for my business. Distributing the booklet to attendees of a workshop I presented instantly sealed my expert status. Three attendee inquiries, two of which became firmly scheduled paid consulting sessions was a first. Never had that kind of result before.”

    - Mary Shafer, Riegelsville, PA
  • "Pre-Sold a Booklet Before Ever Writing a Word of It"

    "One of my clients commissioned a new publication from me for them, simultaneously ordering 10,000 copies once it was done, before a single word was written. They ordered similar quantities of my new continuity program and are turning millions of pounds as a result.”

    - Peter Thomson, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, UK
  • "Great ROI on This Investment"

    "Within a short time of working with Paulette, I created a booklet that easily sold thousands of copies. You turn on my investment, and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them to others who want to raise their presence and their bottom line.”

    - Gerri Detweiler, Consumer Debt Expert, Sarasota, FL
  • "International Sales and Increased Credibility"

    "The U.S. State Department forwarded an inquiry about my membership building training. The response included my booklet’s digital version. Hired a week later, I went to Europe, building membership organizations there. The booklet is in Serbian and Albanian, elevating my credibility from local speaker to international expert and author.”

    - John Bailey, Fairfax, VA
  • "Door-Opener for Winning More Sales!"

    "My two booklets of powerful publicity tips opened doors for me and my business and created winning professional relationships. These have lead directly to sales of my products and services in ways I never could have done otherwise.  The proof is in my journey from desperate housewife to PR Diva and a thriving six-digit business helping others Get Known to Get Paid.”

    - Nancy Juetten, Bellevue, WA
  • "A Fun Contrarian!"

    "Really enjoyed this podcast Steve Lahey did with Paulette. She’s fun to listen to. And such a contrarian. In this day and age of “make it digital and give it away for free” it’s really different to say ‘put it on paper or in pixels and charge for it.’ Thanks for the ideas.”

    - Brian Boys, Content Specialist, Eugene, OR
  • "Partnering for new revenue streams!"

    “I was looking for another revenue stream for my content and was introduced to Paulette. After our first conversation, I was impressed by her knowledge around tips products and quickly realized I needed her years of experience in order to capitalize on this promotional product area. I am very happy with our partnership and where we are going together!”

    - John Ayo, Travel Balance
  • "Mother and Daughter Now Able to Help People Worldwide"

    “We are extremely proud of the results and grateful for the services we have received through from Paulette Ensign and her team. We feel confident that our tips booklets and our book will inspire and help people around the world. Due to the expert guidance, we continue to receive, our content will meet the needs of liver and kidney disease survivors. Additionally, Paulette’s team was extremely patient with both our short-term and long-term goals.”

    - Vicki Lambert and Pearl Lambert, Alexandria, VA
  • "Excited My Imagination!"

    “Paulette Ensign and her team at Tips Products International helped me create a booklet, DARE to Fly – 52 Tips to Lift You High, as a companion piece to my full-length, bestseller book. This has immediately expanded my company’s product offerings. Paulette is calm, kind, and patient—it has been a pleasure to work with her. Furthermore, because she is such a dream, she excited my imagination about bulk sales. After creating the booklet, I was successful in getting a school district to invest in bulk sales for my book, If Caterpillars Can Fly, So Can, to give to all principals, guidance counselors, and school board presidents, as a means of disrupting teachers’ thinking and helping students to desire to learn. The check for $72,000 just arrived and to be honest, it feels amazing! Paulette, thank you for exciting my imagination and for sharing your years of experience.”

    - Alvin Day, Executive Director, Tamarac, FL
  • "A much-needed and unexpected bonus!"

    “Paulette is a great presenter whose workshops and webinars are jam-packed with useful information and applicable examples. Her unique TIPS formula has simple parameters, but writing concisely can be surprisingly challenging when there are some old habits to overcome. Her editing recommendations were a much-needed and unexpected bonus!

    - Barbara Trapp, Certified Professional Organizer & Productivity Coach

  • “Paulette Ensign guides subject matter experts in identifying unique ways to promote and monetize their knowledge. I know from personal experience, Paulette has created a “52 How-To Tips” format which transforms your expertise into an entire product line. Then she helps you unearth markets of likely wholesale buyers and licensees for your subject matter expertise. One example, Paulette sold over TWO MILLION tips booklets and its contents in four languages and multiple formats without a penny on advertising. Expertise is your orchard, and Paulette perfectly positions you to bring the fruits of your labor to new markets.

    - Darrin Fitzgerald, Founder and CEO

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